Saturday, September 18, 2010

Just Around The Corner

After what seemed like a very long week, I decided to head out to one of the campgrounds just around the corner from my house.  Before doing so, I had to make sure the RV was spotless, which required washing and detailing every inch.  This took me the better part of the day to get everything ready, but was worth every minute to see it shine!  The night before I started the refrigerator on electric so it would be nice and cold for the next morning.  Well, the next morning, the refrigerator was warm and appeared to not be working.  No problem, I'll just bring a cooler since it is only a overnight.  I'll check into that problem when I return home.

We decided to camp at North Landing Beach
Campground which is located on the NC/VA line. There so happens to be two ways to get there.  One, is to drive fifty miles through country roads, which is a nice leisurely way, and the other is to take a ferry over to Knotts Island and come in on the North Carolina side to the campground.  My son decided to bring a friend along, and so asking them which way they would like to go, it was hands down, we were taking the ferry!  We arrived early with anticipation to be first in line for the ferry ride.  The morning was breezy with a slight crispness in the air which was a pleasant relief from the humid summer heat we had been having.  We board with the crew giving us a thumbs up and with plenty of looks of envy.  With the wheel chocks in place we take the 45 minute ride to the island.  Along the way we have the option to enjoy the ride from the upper deck or to sit in our vehicle.  I was the first to exit the RV, since my stomach took on an abrupt queazy feeling.  Now mind you, there were no waves, no rocking of the boat.  Seeing only the forward movement of the boat while the RV was stationary, was enough for me to exit immediately.

We arrive at the campground and I find my site at 22 Birch Lane.  Hmmm, sounds like a nice address, and it was.   It was wide, shaded and level.  And it came with a bonus.  It was conveniently located across from the bathhouse which came in handy for the boys.  I  believe the RV had not even come to a stop when off the rack, the bikes came, as my two anxious riders hit the dirt, riding to see their newly wide open playground.

Being left behind, I set up camp to start my relaxation.  The afternoon feels like a fall day with the sound of rustling leaves being blown around as the cool breeze sweeps them into little piles.  The sun feels good against my goose bumped skin as I make my way to the beach area of the campground.  The boys have already donned their trunks & are wading in the cool but inviting water.  I watch from afar, as to not let them know I am there. I snap away a few pictures as they were playing and make my way back.

Returning to camp, I noticed a wedding had taken place and the reception was a stones throw away in a pavilion decorated with streamers and balloons.  The DJ was setting up and the party was just getting started.  This was not what I had expected at a campground!   If memory serves me, consuming alcohol over a long period of time, can lead to things getting ugly.  With nightfall only a few hours away, I prayed that it would not get out of hand, only to remember I am near the bath house!

Shaking those unwanted thoughts from my head, it was time to start dinner and my favorite campfire meal of hotdogs were quickly consumed.  There was no need for the boys to hang around so off they go again, onto their next adventure.

I cleaned up with the sound of the wedding music playing so softly into the campground air.  Actually, the music was soothing and felt as though I was at an outdoor concert.

I discovered that my well-kept classic motorhome drew more attention than most of the lastest, half- million dollar rigs with dishwashers & triple slide outs.  RV enthusiasts loved to come by to talk about the joys of keeping a piece of history rolling down the road.  The fact that few of them had ever seen an Toyota Sunrader 4X4 made it even more of a conversation piece.  I was tickled to hear the many comments about the shininess of my little rig.  My hard work earlier, had indeed payed off.

The sun was beginning to vanish from the crystal blue sky, so I grabbed my camera as I remembered the beach would be the ideal place to watch the sunset.  Within minutes, there was a gathering of all makes and models of cameras, snapping away to get the last glimpse of what had turned out to be one of the most beautiful sunsets I have seen in a very long time.  A picture perfect ending to a glorious day.

The campfire is now up and roaring as I retrieve the marshmallows for their dip into the flames.  Easing back in my chair with my dog in my lap is exactly where I want to be, relaxing!

The next morning I rise early with coffee in hand.  The boys are conked out and I suppose will be for quite some time since those monkeys did not get to sleep until the wee hours of the morning.  I too, am a little sleep deprived from all the whispers I heard throughout the night.  Not from the wedding party goers, but instead from my own little party inside that was created by 11 yr. olds.

Once again, I find pleasure in my old camp chair with my dog on my lap.  I kick back to take in the morning fresh air and ponder which route to take back.  Do we wait till 2pm for the next ferry and try to find something to do in the mean time?  Or do we take the back roads (out of the way) to get home?  It's early yet, we have time.

The boys finally rise from there upper bunk coffin and gobble their breakfast.  They make the decision for me....we're taking the ferry.  I leisurely sit back down and go through some of the questionnaires that the campground had given me.  I leaf through to the second page and low and behold there is a ferry schedule.  What ?  The next ferry is at noon!  It can't be?  I look at my watch, 11:25 am.  Noooo!  I rush around like my head is cut off, packing, no wait...Throwing things in the camper!  I call the boys on their cell phone....please answer...please answer!  Hello?  Guys!  Get back to camp NOW!  We're leaving!

I threw the bikes on the back and were off, creating a trail of dust..... down the narrow, windy road leading to the ferry.  I drove a little faster than I am used to, but trying to be careful around the hairpin turns.  Shoot, did this road have this many turns in it?   Swaying to the left and swaying to the right, I look at the clock....11:59 am.  I have a couple more miles to go.  Hey guys?  Were not gonna make it!  I hear their awww's in the back as I keep the pedal to the metal.  Rounding the next bend I see the Ferry!  It's still there, but the gate is down!  Shucks, we missed it!!!   But wait......who's that walking towards us? Hip hip hooray, it's the Ferry Guy!  Boy am I glad to see you!   He lifted the gate and we puttered on in. Believe it or not, we were (of course) the last one's on, but get this.  We also took the LAST spot.  The people next to us holler over....the last one on....makes lunch!   Yea, I had to chuckle about that one.

                                 Once again, I immediately exit the RV to enjoy our ride home.

                                                    Good Bye for now, Knotts Island -                

                                                                     ~The End ~

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hurricane Earl

With the threat of high winds and Earl making it's way closer, I decided to take my son and the RV to a safer place which turned out to be Lynchburg, Va where his grandparents live.  With such a short notice, and it being a Labor Day weekend, all the campgrounds were obviously booked.   So, I parked the RV in their driveway and stayed a couple of days, enjoying their company.  I returned solo with anticipation in seeing if we had incurred any damage, leaving behind my son to enjoy the rest of his visit.  This was the first time I had driven alone for this many miles.  It was nice, but lonely in the sense of not being able to share what I have seen with each passing mile.  Thankfully, there was no damage to report and it had seemed that Earl had turned into a girl and went out to sea.