Tuesday, May 25, 2010

LED Tail Light Installation

So, my new LED Tail lights arrive and now I swallow hard because I have to do some fiberglass cutting to make them fit. This will be one of many first's for me.  I start by taking measurements.  Then I take more measurements.  Then I re-take the measurements I have already taken.  Whew, okay, I think I'm ready.  I tape off the desired area and I make the first cut with my dremel tool.  It actually cuts like butter and it turned out to be a lot easier than expected.  

The new LED's fit in perfectly and I couldn't be happier. Now, here comes the bad news.  The tail light wiring has a ground problem.  After several days of checking and chasing wires, I have but no choice to turn this job over to someone with more knowledge of automotive wiring other than myself.
On to the next project.....

1 comment:

  1. Nice dremel work! What model led assembly is this?
