Sunday, August 15, 2010

Will We Make it?

Ahhh, another beautiful day.  My father checked out the clutch and made the mechanics decision that it must be the clutch slave cylinder that is going bad. We leave out early, with our fingers crossed and praying that we will make it home without having to come to a stop.  On this day, my Dad will be driving since I would be a nervous wreck if I could not shift into gear.  We take off and the
clutch has a little bit of grab.....a wee little bit!  Okay, we only have about 100 miles till home.  We agree on taking the highway in which it would get us there the fastest and with the least amount of shifting.  We arrive into Newport News and we have to stop for the tunnel so they can check our propane bottles to be sure they are turned off.  Oh no!  We have to shift, several gears!  Please lord, have them wave us by, please, please, please!  My prayers are answered.....they wave us by!  I could not believe it!  We make it through all the traffic lights and did not have to stop until we got to the North Carolina border where we see an Advance Auto Parts store.  With confidence in my fathers shifting capabilities, we stop.   Right off the shelf they had the clutch slave cylinder in stock for a whopping $12.36!  Happy as a lark, I prance towards the Toyota holding my shiny new prize.   With no fear in making it the rest of the way, we decide to head home to replace the newly bought part.  My father, king of shifting, and majesty of auto repair, had us home safe and sound.  He had the Toyota repaired in less than 20 minutes.  I will say, I learned a lot from my father on this trip and am very proud to be his daughter.  I love you Dad and Thanks!

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